Reiki (pronounced ray-key) is a gentle, safe and effective method for stress reduction, deep relaxation and healing. Millions of people worldwide have received Reiki treatments to promote health, happiness and
well-being. Reiki is an energy-based healing modality. It is a powerful tool for self-care. Reiki energy promotes healing in the body which begins at the cellular level. During a Reiki treatment session, you will experience a state of deep relaxation.
Reiki is an energy based healing modality. It is a powerful tool for self care. Reiki energy aids in the healing of the spirit, mind and body. It enhances your well being!
I believe we are born healers and we have been conditioned to ignore our inner ability to self heal. Learn from Michelle, a Reiki Master Teacher, how to become a Reiki I and II Practitioner. This will change your life!
Your well-being depends on your good health. My job is to help bring healing energy to your mind, body & spirit.
My goal is to help reduce your mental and physical pain, while improving your overall health. I am a Master Reiki Teacher with over 20 years of experience and hold a Masters Degree in Education.
The Reiki practitioner uses the full-body hand placements on the receiver to draw in Universal Life Force Energy to flow in where it is needed. Healing will take place on all levels, physical, emotional, and spiritual leaving the receiver relaxed.
The receiver draws in the right amount of energy needed to bring their mind, body, and spirit back to homeostasis. The body wants balance, not dis-ease. The Reiki practitioner is a conduit for your healing process to take place. As your Reiki Practitioner I will create the safe place for your healing to begin by helping to reduce; pain, stress, insomnia, anxiety, and depression. You will feel rejuvenated and will release what needs to be released for your body, mind and spirit to begin anew.
During a 90 minute session we will have an 1/2 intake to discuss changes that you want to make in your life. After only a few sessions you will experience inner wisdom guiding you and life changes begin.
Reiki is a magical journey and I am honored to be a part of you reaching your optimal life! Please read my testimonials.
Love & Light,
Michelle, RMT